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Flamenco Experiences

Flamenco Experiences

Tailor-made courses and workshops

Get started in Flamenco with a dance class!

Start mastering the braceo and the floreo of the fingers…the marcaje, the paseos, the accents in the rhythmic combinations. A special class that will make you love flamenco dancing even more. The dance class is available for groups and individuals.

In the percussion class with the flamenco cajón and palmas you will be able to distinguish the rhythms and rhythm of flamenco. Learn techniques such as redobles, tresillos, caballitos… discover the rhythm with this mythical flamenco instrument. This fun percussion class is available for groups and individuals.

If you know how to play the guitar and want to learn flamenco guitar techniques that differentiate it from the classical guitar such as thumb technique, thumb-index technique, golpe, ligados, arpeggios, flamenco tremolo, picado, alzapúa…

All this, with professional artists from the museum, with great experience in percussion and guitar. Apart from the experiences, the school of the Museo del Baile Flamenco de Cristina Hoyos in Seville specialises in training students for their artistic growth and their stage projection, classes or complete choreographies.

The Flamenco Dance Museum is a portal to the magical world of flamenco. We have developed unique experiences where all facets of this art form come together: dance, song and guitar. Both in our interactive museum and in our shows, we contribute to the understanding of flamenco.
We are located at:
  • Calle Manuel Rojas Marcos, nº 3. 41004 Sevilla
  • 0034 954 340 311

Visits to the museum can be made at any time of the day stipulated in your ticket, always from 11:00 to 06:00 pm (last entry at 06:00 pm), except the first Monday of each month when the museum will open at 4:00 p.m.


Admission Adults 10 €, Reduced (Student-Discap.) 8 €, and Children (6 – 12 years old) 6 €.

Ticket Puro Flamenco Show (1 hour): Adults 25 €, Reduced (Student-Discap.) 18 €, and Children (6 – 12 years old) 12 €.

Combined ticket: Museum visit + Puro Flamenco Show: Adults 29 €, Reduced (Student-Discap.) 22 €, and Children (6 – 12 years old) 15 €.

*Additional information: these prices include 10% VAT for museum and 21% VAT for shows.



Booking and info:
Museo del Baile Flamenco
Tel: (0034) 954 34 03 11 + (0034) 954 00 67 87