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The main objective of this section is to address the problems of environmental education in order to give a new global view to today’s climatic situation and giving also a new awareness of the strict interconnection between economic development, sustainability and conservation of the environment.

For this reason, it’s so important teamwork, from different disciplines in order to give the right importance to this actual social and global problem. Thus, it’s necessary work on all areas: marketing, strategies and functional one, embracing now values related to sustainability.


Along this route, Museo of Baile Flamenco has developed the following initiatives in sustainability’s area. The Museo of Baile Flamenco applies these “recommended environmental practices”:
– New system of air conditioning, in all areas with efficient and successful machinery certificated by ISO 14001:2015 (ES);
– Periodic control (every 6 months) of air conditioning system and heating system;
– Implementation of led lighting in most of Museo’ spaces;
– Use of low consumption bulbs to get a better energy saving;
– Recycling of batteries (stored in warehouse). Managed by authorised operator;
– Diversification between paper and cardboard, to be placed in the corresponding containers;
– Recycling of printed material (fuser, toner, etc.);
– Recycling of paper (double-sided, for example for internal notebook to use);
– Watering our plants during low sunshine hours;
– Bottles of water, not completely consumed, reused for watering and cleaning activities;
– Cleaning with cold water (with a previous sweeping);
– Use of timed lighting activated by motion sensors, into ground floor’s WC and the ones of basement and second floor;
– Email and internal phone used for internal communication;
– Replacement of polycarbonate panels in order to reduce sun’s rays over 40/60%, also lowering the temperature of museum;
– Digitalization of museum’s information and temporary exhibitions, instead of printing text and brochures; also QR codes have been already installed providing information about these;
– Application of WC’s flushing devices divided for litres.

El Museo del Baile Flamenco es un portal para el mundo mágico del flamenco. Hemos desarrollado experiencias únicas donde todas las facetas de este arte se unen: el baile, el cante y la guitarra. Tanto en nuestro museo interactivo como en nuestros espectáculos, contribuimos a la comprensión del flamenco.
Estamos en:
  • Calle Manuel Rojas Marcos, nº 3. 41004 Sevilla
  • 0034 954 340 311

Las visitas al museo pueden realizarse a cualquier hora del día de la estipulada en su entrada, siempre en horario de 11:00 a 18:00 (Última entrada a las 18:00), excepto el primer lunes de cada mes que el museo abrirá a las 16:00 horas.

Horario de espectáculos: 17:00, 19:00 y 20:45. Opción de hacer otra hora, consulta previa.


Entrada Visita del museo Adultos 10 €, Reducida (Estudiante-Discap.) 8 €, y Niños (6 – 12 años) 6€.

Entrada Espectáculo Puro Flamenco (1 hora): Adultos 25 €, Reducida (Estudiante-Discap.) 18 €, y Niños (6 – 12 años) 12€.

Entrada Combinada: Visita del museo + Espectáculo Puro Flamenco: Adultos 29 €, Reducida (Estudiante-Discap.) 22 €, y Niños (6 – 12 años) 15€.

*Información adicional: estos precios incluyen el 10% de IVA para museo y 21%de IVA para espectáculos.


Información y reservas:
Museo del Baile Flamenco
Tel: (0034) 954 34 03 11 + (0034) 954 00 67 87